What to do with your fines when you’re an asylum seeker
If you’re an asylum seeker you must get legal advice before you deal with a fine.
Fines can have consequences for migration, particularly if you’re an asylum seeker. If you are currently seeking asylum in Australia, you must get legal advice before trying to deal with a fine.
You can contact LawAccess on 1300 888 529 or legalaid.nsw.gov.au to get advice.
When should you do this?
- If you live in NSW; and
- You are currently seeking asylum in Australia
Important things to know
Get advice
It is very important to get advice first. Challenging a fine may affect your immigration status.
How to get advice
Contact LawAccess so they can put you in touch with a lawyer.
Ways to get help
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Please don’t ignore your fine
If you do not take action by the due date you may pay more and be stopped from driving or using your car.