What to do with fines when you’re under 18

The law is different for people under 18.

If you’re under 18, you can get free legal advice about your fines. There is a good chance you can have your fines sorted quickly or avoid paying your fines with money. 

When should I do this?
  • If you are under 18
  • If you were under 18 when you got the fine
infoImportant things to know

Get advice

If you do not have your fines managed you might not be able to get your drivers licence, apply for a proof of age card or register a car.

What to do

You can contact these specialist youth legal sevices:

Or contact Law Access and get free, confidential legal advice about your fines.

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cautionPlease don’t ignore your fine

If you do not take action by the due date you may pay more and be stopped from driving or using your car.