Get a payment plan
A payment plan may help you pay your fine debt.
If you are having trouble paying off your fine on time, you can ask to pay in instalments. This is called a payment plan.
- If you are having trouble paying on time
- And you can pay in smaller amounts
Payment plan on a penalty
You will need to contact Revenue NSW to arrange a payment plan. If you were receiving a Centrelink benefit at the time of the fine, you can ask for a 50% discount on some fines. If you have an existing payment plan on overdue fines or you are receiving a Centrelink benefit, you can arrange to have the penalty added to a payment plan for a longer term.
Payment plan on an overdue fine
If your fines are already overdue, then you can contact Revenue NSW or apply online for a long-term payment plan. If you are in financial hardship you may also be able to negotiate an amount that you know you can afford to pay.
Stick to your plan
Whether the payment plan is in place for the penalty period or longer term you need to stick to it. If you don’t pay on time there may be more penalties, including costs.
Contact Revenue NSW. The details will be on your fine notice. Or you can apply online.
Contact Revenue NSW
- They will set up the payment plan for you over the phone
- For overdue fines you can apply online through the Revenue NSW website
- You can choose to have the payments deducted from a bank account or you will be sent a payment schedule.
Further action
If you are unable to continue with your payments due to financial hardship, you may:
- See if you are eligible for a Work and Development Order
- Contact Revenue NSW to see if you meet hardship criteria for reduced payments
- Get help from a financial counsellor
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Please don’t ignore your fine
If you do not take action by the due date you may pay more and be stopped from driving or using your car.